
professional center
for voice development and therapy

our mission

our mission

Bydgoszcz Voice Institute was created from passion and love for voice and is a place for anyone whose voice needs comprehensive care. No such place could be found in the city of Bydgoszcz or its region. We wish to offer our local community innovative services that are tailored to their needs. The Institute is situated in a tenement house in the heart of Bydgoszcz, the city we love and whose growth we wish to be part of. That’s the expression of our social responsibility.

We excel at high quality. A wide range of services offered are aimed at both amateur and professional singers, beginners and advanced vocalists. We also cater for those who need preventive voice dysfunction care, voice rehabilitation or voice therapy. We focus on a healthy voice, but… we also love music. We believe that a freer voice allows you to express yourself better and constitutes the attribute of a good vocalist. We try not only to teach, but also to inspire. We believe that there are no silly questions, and that the most difficult and important ones, are those we ask ourselves.

Our Institute is a place of friendly atmosphere where you can feel at ease. We believe that there is no one right method. Each individual is different and requires an individual approach which meets one’s expectations, needs, objectives and capabilities. We offer regular classes and consultations as well as organize workshops and training sessions with distinguished specialists. Our ambition is to be an important place – not only in our region, but also in Poland. Our goal is to promote and offer voice care in a holistic approach. We build a unique community of open-minded people, fascinated by voice, singing and music.

our team

our team

Our team consists of qualified and experienced specialists working holistically, exercising mindfulness, empathy and understanding. We are a diverse team of sensitive, open-minded, committed and constantly learning people. We dedicated a big part of our lives to the human voice and our work is our passion. We look forward to each new valuable meeting within the walls of the Institute, because we believe that each one is just like that.

individual singing lessons
Individual lessons at all levels conducted in concordance with the latest standards and based on a mindful approach to voice development. Lessons conducted by an experienced team with a theoretical and pedagogical background as well as stage experiences. Each lesson is suited to individual needs and tailored according to students’ expectations, goals and capabilities. These lessons encompass all that is essential for singers – not only a healthy voice emission training, but also work on musical and practical aspects.
One lesson
membership card
four 45-minute lessons per month
discount on Laryngeal Manual Therapy (LMT)
individual voice emission lessons
Individual lessons on voice emission for professionals for whom voice quality, strength or voice capacity are essential. Prolonged inappropriate or ineffective use of the voice mechanism may lead to serious organic changes and voice dysfunctions. Nowadays, profession induced voice dysfunctions have become very common, especially among teachers. The most successful method to avoid these dysfunctions is prevention in the form of voice emission training. A high-quality voice is the key factor to succeed professionally in journalism, acting, business, law or medicine.
One lesson
membership card
four 45-minute consultations per month
discount on Laryngeal Manual Therapy (LMT)
voice rehabilitation and voice therapy
Individual consultations conducted by a voice therapist and a certified specialist in voice dysfunction rehabilitation. During the consultation the following methods are used: SOVT (including Lax-Vox), the Accent Method, Physiological Voice Training, Phonatory Method, Flow Phonation, Chant Talk Voice Therapy, Resonant Voice Therapy, Voice Affirmation Therapy, The Alexander Technique and A. Lowen’s approach. This session is for people in need of voice dysfunction rehabilitation, but also for anyone dissatisfied with the timbre of their voice. We make it our goal for the Institute to be a safe space where you can care for your health and comfort with self-compassion.
One consultation
membership card
four 45-minute consultations per month
discount on Laryngeal Manual Therapy (LMT)
laryngeal Manual Therapy
The procedure is performed by a manual therapist equipped with the knowledge of the functioning of the vocal tract and the skill to apply therapeutic touch. Functions and the structure of the vocal tract are examined through palpation and the therapist finds tensions, dysfunctions and the areas overstrained by excessive work. The goal is, first and foremost, to improve the functioning of the larynx, yet the therapist takes the whole body into consideration, as the cause of the problem in question may be located in a totally different place. After the analysis, the therapist starts working with the problematic areas. The procedure is recommended for and directed at all those working with voice, those susceptible to profession induced voice dysfunctions, those requiring an efficient vocal tract, and those in the process of voice rehabilitation.
Regular price per treatment
price for our Community Members
The benefits of the procedure:
improved voice production
raised body and vocal tract awareness
improved circulation, sensitivity and flexibility of voice-formative muscles
body and mental relaxation
elimination of physical discomfort connected to working with the voice
quicker voice recovery after performance or work
easier mixing of the vocal registers
achieving balance of the pitch-changing mechanisms
enhancement in voice strength
To ensure the highest quality and individual approach, the number of offered time slots is limited. Our offer is on a first come first served basis. In case there are no vacancies, your name is put on a waiting list and you will be informed as soon as there is a vacancy. Our lessons and consultations are conducted both in Polish and in English, on site in the Institute offices or online, from anywhere across the globe. All the regulations of the Institute are placed in the “rules and regulations.”